
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

February 19, 2019


Today has sarted off very cold, if you are in class, good for you for braving the freezing temperatures!

We start off today on reviewing what we know, working in the Life Prints 2 book, page 1-24.
it is nearly the end of the semester, so it is important to check your hours to know if you are ready to test.

Also, we will work on a diet plan for 'Olga'. She is having weight issues and needs to diet. We will see the list of foods that she is allowed and  how many servings she is able to have per day. We will use this information to make a chart for 'Olga'  for her meals.

****The last day of semester 2 will be March 7th, 2019. The first day of Semester 3 will be April 1st, 2019.

Monday, February 18, 2019

February 18, 2019

Welcome back!

Monday is Lab Monday!

Monday is also Crazy English Day!  Which means we start the day out with the Crazy English Sentence.... This week is not so crazy, "Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana." I know, it is just silly. After the silly sentence, we have dictation. this week, it is a short passage about cats.

 This week we are finishing up with the Present Perfect Progressive, looking at how either Present Perfect and Present Perfect Progressive are used, or both!  Then Unit 12 Worksheets section 3.1 is where we will start, working to the end of this unit.

Today is a short day, enjoy it, and remember to stay warm out there... and bundle up tomorrow, the forecast is for even colder temperatures.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

February 14, 2019

Good Day!

The class is working on Present Perfect Progressive this week. This week we used Present Perfect Progressive verbs to look at the article, "City Life", looking at what has been and is going on to make cities better places to live. We even had our own City Planning Meeting on Wednesday where citizens were able to voice their opinions of what needs to be done in Odessa to make it a more comfortable, safe, and environmentally friendly place to live.  The City Planners were able to give their budget, show what public projects they had planned, why, and which they were willing to forgo to meet the needs of the community.

Thursday, we had Valentine's Day Worksheets, find the word; how many words can you create from the phrase; and the story of Valentine's Day tradition for reading. We also created Valentine's cards after seeing examples of vintage cards and silly sayings.

After classwork, we had lunch together, sharing stories, photos, and enjoying the company of each other. This class has some wonderful people in it! Games, like Jinga, checkers, table golf, and table basketball were played, and we all had group photos!

By the way, the food was delicious!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

February 13, 2019

Wednesday, February 13, class is reading the handout, "Present Perfect Progressive".

2 Groups today.
Group 1 - Citizens in Odessa

Group 2 - City Planning Committee

Group 1 will talk together about problems in and around the city. What 5 things would you like to see fixed, developed, or changed about the city? Write those 5 things down, in order of urgency.
Choose two people from your group to present the list of problems to the committee.

Group 2 will have a budget and list of projects and prices for each. Decide what problems around the city need to be fixed, what needs to be developed to lure new people to town?  Write the list, starting with most urgent.  Choose two people from your group to present the budget and proposals to the community.

   Remember to use the words "for, since, have been".

Refer to the handout from Tuesday, pg 145, B.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Welcome to the Level 5 Class at Odessa College ESOL.

Our class reads to help their English Language Acquisition. The goal of the class is to understand the written language of English, and to be able to use that knowledge in everyday life.